Illinois PTA Convention & 125 Year Birthday Celebration
Illinois PTA State Board of Directors want to be fiscally responsible and due to the low number of pre-
registered delegates; a decision was made to postpone convention to a later date and host virtually
instead of in-person.
The new virtual date is Thursday, April 24 (evening) and Saturday, April 26 (morning to early afternoon).
We will still offer workshops, conduct business and celebrate PTA’s accomplishments. Detailed
information on registration and the schedule will be released the week of 3/31.
The individuals who already pre-registered will receive a full refund. A separate email will be sent to
those individuals.
Please plan to join us virtually on April 24 & April 26.
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P.O. Box 907, Springfield, IL 62705-0907 | 217-523-2811 | Fax: 217-523-2816 | [email protected] | Phone Hours Monday – Friday 11 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. | Board | Privacy Policy
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