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Build Your Toolbox to PTA by watching PTA leader resource videos.

Building Your Toolbox to PTA

Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Facebook to find the latest leadership training opportunities this year.

Winter 2025 Illinois PTA Training

All courses and workshops will take place on Zoom. Simply click the dropdown below to view details and register for each course.

Membership Monday: Spice up your Membership for the Holidays!

Does your membership campaign seem to be going stale? Searching for ready to use membership PR materials & graphics to freshen up your messaging? Want to brush up on your membership ask?

Illinois PTA wants Membership Mondays to meet the needs of you and your PTA. We’ll cover the basics, but much of the time will be devoted to answering your questions and helping to solve your problems regarding PTA membership. Register here for the December 9th Membership Monday.

Additional Membership Monday events will be:

Feel free to sign up for all of them today!

Givebacks Interactive Learning Sessions

There are several options for you to connect with the Givebacks team to get the support and training you need. No matter your learning style or needs, they have you covered to make sure you get the most out of Givebacks.

Whether you’re a new leader who has never used Givebacks or a seasoned user looking to learn a new area of the product, there’s a class for you. You’ll also get to meet the team members who love to help!

Welcome to Givebacks – Overview for New Leaders
Online Store & Website: Building Your Public Presence
Collecting Membership Dues and Staying in Compliance
Treasurer’s Guide to Givebacks
Communication: Contacts, Newsletters and Messages

Your Essential PTA E-Learning Experience

If your September schedule prevented you from attending Illinois PTA training courses, fear not! Ensure an effective start to your PTA year by exploring the National PTA’s online interactive training courses on the Thrive platform. These courses are designed specifically for PTA members, providing a flexible and accessible way to enhance your skills.

National PTA goes the extra mile by offering a range of past eLearning training courses, ensuring you have a comprehensive array of resources at your fingertips.

*When taking an eLearning course, it is best to use Google Chrome. To access e-learning courses, you will need an online National PTA profile. If you’ve never created a login, you will need to create a National PTA access the courses. Choose create new user profile and follow the instructions. If you already have a profile click on Login once you select a course. If you need assistance, please contact [email protected].

Your Community Engagement Blueprint 

Illinois PTA works diligently to support public schools and ensure all children and youth have equal opportunities and access to a quality education. Learn how to assist your PTA and community with education achievements, community involvement, and high standards of excellence through PTA Programs.

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Do-It-Yourselves Membership Plan

Flex your creative mind in this interactive workshop that teaches how to facilitate a conversation with your board about ways to increase membership. Attendees will take-away a DIY planning tool to help with membership growth.

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All About Your Grants! Grant Writing Basics and Success Stories

An introduction to looking for and completing grant applications to benefit your PTA and the programs you provide for your students and families. Come hear the recent news about the outstanding successes our Illinois PTA’s have been having recently and learn from successful grant writers.

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DIVERSITY WORKSHOP | Valuing Diversity and Leading with Inclusion

A dream team includes people with different perspectives, skills, talents, and connections. During this workshop, we will talk about the vast perspectives of families at your school—members of your PTA. In an interactive activity, you will explore diversity and inclusion. Then model ways to be an inclusive leader so that your PTA cultivates the perspectives, skills, talents, and connections of all families who want to make your PTA and school stronger for students.

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Growing Your PTA with National PTA’s School of Excellence Program – What and How?

Learn how a PTA of 12 members grew to 120 members and became a 2016-2018 National PTA School of Excellence. This all occurred during the first year of transition. Gain ideas for starting the process and how it works. Carry back these techniques and become the next Illinois PTA recognized as a National PTA School of Excellence.

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Start Your Art! A Reflections Sneak Peak and More

Get an early look at what’s in store for the 2022-23 Reflections Program and a jumpstart on planning your arts programming for the next school year. Find out how National PTA’s Reflections Program has been a rewarding creative experience for so many students for more than 50 years! Bring your questions and best ideas to share and “Show Your Voice!”

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Thrive Learning Community

Thrive is PTA’s new online learning community for volunteers. Thrive brings PTA leadership development to you. Through Thrive’s engaging, short courses, you can take training at your own time and place—even from football practice, a dance studio or a soccer field.

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Membership Monday – Dues Submission Training

This training will show all PTA leaders the steps to submit their dues payments through Memberhub. Together we can unlock IL PTA’s membership potential to become a stronger voice for every child.

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Membership Remix 2021

Looking for ways to boost your membership? Join IL PTA Membership Director, Kristin Klis, Monday, January 25th at 7 pm on the Zoom webinar “Membership Remix 2021″. During the webinar, Kristin will share new National PTA membership resources, spotlight successful local unit membership campaigns and network with other PTA leaders. 
Missed the webinar? Watch the recording here.

How Do You PTA? Virtually, of course!

The pandemic has changed the way we do many things. You may have asked, ‘If you can’t meet in-person, how do we PTA for our children?’ We have been asking the same question and are here to tell you it is possible and exciting the new opportunities virtual PTA opens up. We will provide you with tips from hosting a virtual meeting to holding an online family events. How we PTA may need to adjust and we are here to help you.

Missed the webinar? Watch the recording here!

Introduction to National PTA E-Learning

Meet the world of PTA e-learning. We will introduce you to the National PTA digital library that contains videos, eLearning courses, and resources to help you Become an Amazing PTA Leader, Gain Nonprofit Management Skills, Grow PTA Membership & Resources, and more. And the best part is, they are available when you are.

Missed the webinar? Watch the recording here!

Being A Voice for Your Child

Ever think to yourself… “Someone needs to speak up about that problem” … but felt that you couldn’t be the one because you didn’t know how or felt that no one would listen? Come explore the process and utilize National and Stater PTA Advocacy resources. Believe it or not you can be that person who speaks up for themselves and/or others. You can be the advocate your child needs.

Missed the webinar? Watch the recording here!

Keep them Coming and Keep them Connected

Engaging volunteers is an on-going activity for all local units. Join us to review key activities that put recruitment and advocating for our children at the top of your plans!

Discussion includes how to plan all year to engage current and new members, ideas to widen the net of potential volunteers, the need to be flexible in how we offer opportunities to participate and how to avoid over-managing volunteers. Bring your ideas and learn with each other for success this year and beyond.

Missed the webinar? Watch the recording here.

Who is Next to Lead?

Encouraging others to their next level of leadership is a goal of IL PTA. Being intentional in reaching out to local units leaders and showing them a path is the way that we sustain our organization and help it grow. Join us with a panel of local, regional, state and national leaders to discuss effective ways to develop leaders and mentor them into their next leadership opportunity. More to come on who will join our panel!

Missed the webinar? Watch the recording here.

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P.O. Box 907, Springfield, IL 62705-0907 | 217-523-2811 | Fax: 217-523-2816 | [email protected] | Phone Hours Monday – Friday 11 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. | Board | Privacy Policy

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